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Report content on this page. Poirot assented. I acted more as a courier than as a secretary. I thought I heard him trying the handle. I make now myself a cup of tea я сделаю себе сейчас чашку чая. It was an ugliness of distinction — it fascinated rather than repelled. It is most natural. Bouc как так? Bouc, and he would be glad if you would be so kind as to come to him for a few minutes. That was why they heated the train so terribly. Then he rose himself, but instead of following MacQueen he dropped unexpectedly into the seat opposite Poirot. The Colonel inquired whether she was going straight through to England полковник спросил, собирается ли она ехать прямо до Англии; straight — по прямой линии; прямо, непосредственно; through — прямой, беспересадочный, прямого сообщения or whether Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www. I should have seen him enter or leave the compartment. Пути приема. This was a tall man of between forty and fifty, lean of figure, brown of skin, with hair slightly grizzled round the temples.

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  • Английский язык с Агатой Кристи Agatha Christie. MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS Агата Кристи. Убийство в Восточном Экспрессе Роман адаптировала Ольга Ламонова. Наркотик амфетамин (amfetamin, амф, 'анфитомин', Фенамин) – что это такое? Амфетамин был получен путем сложного синтеза еще в 19 веке. Он.

    Then the door was shut. I wish жаль, что я. Then he stood aside from the steps затем он отошел в сторону от ступенек; step — шаг; ступень, приступка, подножка to let Poirot enter the train чтобы позволить Пуаро войти в вагон. That was why they heated the train so terribly. It was unexpected это было неожиданным; to expect — ожидать, ждать.

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    What an egg-shaped head he had! We start in one minute. At that moment the door opened в тот самый момент открылась дверь and the concierge came towards them и к ним подошел консьерж. The younger was a likeable-looking young man of thirty, clearly an American. And with that he left the restaurant car. A perplexed expression passed over his face. Bouc rose. Gathering up her despised money the American woman followed suit, followed by the other one like a sheep. In a space of this size это в купето: «пространстве» такого размера; space — протяженность, площадь. She shrugged her shoulders slightly. Perhaps, Poirot thought возможно, думал Пуаро , Mary Debenham had demurred Мэри Дебенхэм проявила колебание; to demur — книжн.

    I should have seen him я бы увидел, как он enter or leave the compartment заходит или выходит из купе; to leave — уходить, уезжать. Bouc in a low tone. Harris какое мне дело до какого-то мистера Харриса; to care — заботиться; беспокоиться, волноваться? They spoke little to each other они мало разговаривали друг с другом; to speak spoke, spoken — говорить. She was not even looking at him она даже не смотрела на него. Somebody was getting impatient. The man answered, and Poirot drew back his head and, turning, almost collided with Mary Debenham who was standing just behind him. He made careful preparations, wrapping himself in several coats and mufflers and encasing his neat boots in goloshes.

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  • The attendant was passing from table to table with his box of money, accepting payment for bills. At last he reached the compartment indicated. He would ring for the conductor and ask for some mineral water. He looked hot and worried. The newcomer gave a little bow to the girl вошедший слегка поклонился: «дал поклон» девушке; newcomer — новоприбывший, приезжий, to give gave, given — давать; bow — поклон. He remembered that it was Ratchett who had the next compartment. We have need of you. He pressed his own finger on the bell. It was not his own conductor, but a big fair man. His master. His eyes rested for a moment on Hercule Poirot, but they passed on indifferently.

    As his coffee was brought to him когда ему принесли его кофе , M. He told me, as far as I was able to understand him, that he was in danger of his life. Кайфа ноль, хуйню пихают. Please submit your DMCA takedown request to dmca telegram. You said you were getting off at Belgrade вы сказали, что вы сходите в Белграде; to get off — слезать, вылезать; сходить. There was a kind of cool efficiency in the way she was eating her breakfast and in the way she called to the attendant to bring her more coffee which bespoke a knowledge of the world and of travelling. Poirot assented. As his coffee was brought to him, M.

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    They sleep and eat under one roof, they cannot get away from each other. Hubbard drew Poirot a little aside миссис Хаббард отвела Пуаро чуть в сторону; to draw drew, drawn — тащить, волочить; тянуть. Harris arrives we will tell him that he is too late — that berths cannot be retained so long — we will arrange the matter one way or another. Bouc мсье Бук! Poirot looked at him. Poirot моей жизни грозит опасность, мсье Пуаро; to threaten — угрожать, грозить. Sit down садитесь.

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  • He is well known to the conductor. Except that his eyes grew a shade brighter, he showed no signs of shock or distress. This must be Aleppo это, должно быть, Алеппо. There was coquetry in her glance and voice в ее взгляде и голосе сквозило кокетство. You travel on the Simplon Orient, I presume? Poirot, I am a rich man мсье Пуаро, я богатый человек — a very rich man очень богатый человек.

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    The Simplon Orient Express arrived at Belgrade at a quarter to nine that evening. I argue with her. They were, he guessed, single travelers это были, как ему показалось: «он догадался», путешествующие в одиночестве Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www. We start in one minute. Цены бешеные, скидывай. Which passenger какой пассажир? She was tall она была высокой , slim стройной and dark и темноволосой; dark — темный, черный; смуглый, темный — perhaps twenty-eight years of age пожалуй, лет двадцати восьми; age — возраст. It is something that has caught fire under the dining-car что-то загорелось под вагоном-рестораном; to catch caught — поймать, схватить; fire — огонь, пламя. I want you to tell me, M. There were thirteen people seated there and, as M. Has anything happened что-то случилось? Poirot turned away. The latter sat facing Poirot, and for the second time Poirot studied that unprepossessing face, noting the false benevolence of the brow and the small, cruel eyes. It was as though a wild animal — an animal savage, but savage! He was a tall sallow man это: «он» был высокий человек с землистым цветом лица; sallow — Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.

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  • All were united все были объединены; to unite — соединять; объединять by a common misfortune общим несчастьем. MacQueen с молодым мистером Маккуином. He undressed он разделся and got into bed и лег в постель , read for about half an hour почитал где-то с полчаса and then turned out the Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www. Arbuthnot was speaking. He glanced up at the clock он взглянул на стенные часы; to glance — мельком взглянуть, быстро посмотреть.

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    The sort of little man one could never take seriously. Both men swung round to the window, looking out at the long lighted platform as it slid slowly past them. I was at a loose end and glad to find a well-paid job ready made, as it were. To the compartment No. He would hardly have recognised the cool, efficient voice of Miss Debenham. She shrugged her shoulders slightly. A very small and expensive black toque was hideously unbecoming to the yellow, toad-like face beneath it. Though only the back of his head was visible to Poirot, the shape of it and the set of the shoulders betrayed him. It is, perhaps the digestion это, возможно, из-за пищеварения. This time he slept till morning. It was as though a wild animal — an animal savage, but savage! There was coquetry in her glance and voice.

    There were none. Bouc, pursuing his idea. Hercule Poirot. What does matter is my safety. Harris arrives we will tell him that he is too late — that berths cannot be retained so long — we will arrange the matter one way or another. Poirot моей жизни грозит опасность, мсье Пуаро; to threaten — угрожать, грозить. He was smiling delightedly. You place the matter in my hands. His voice was slightly husky in tone. Бабыл широко известный шоп, мне нечего сказать в его адрес, а что скажете вы?

    Наркотик (типа морфия)). Эти вроде как пинцетики он счел инструментом для завивки ресниц. Похожи на устричные щипчики во французских. Английский язык с Агатой Кристи Agatha Christie. MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS Агата Кристи. Убийство в Восточном Экспрессе Роман адаптировала Ольга Ламонова.

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    Bouc waved his protestations aside. Bouc eagerly. Heads were poked out of windows. This was a tall man of between forty and fifty, lean of figure, brown of skin, with hair slightly grizzled round the temples. She was smoking a cigarette in a long holder. She smiled faintly она слабо улыбнулась; faint — слабый; тусклый, неотчетливый.

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  • He walked out beyond the engine. Then he rose himself затем он сам встал; to rise rose, risen , but instead of following MacQueen но вместо того, чтобы последовать за Маккуином he dropped unexpectedly он неожиданно опустился; to drop — капать; опускаться; to expect — ожидать into the seat opposite Poirot на стул: «место» напротив Пуаро. Ratchett Пуаро мельком увидел мистера Рэтчетта; to catch caught a glimpse of smb. But in Jugo-Slavia, no но не в Югославии. There were dark circles under her eyes. As I told you как я вам уже сказал , we are full — full — everywhere мы заполнены, заполнены во всех вагонах: «везде». Footsteps passed up the corridor outside, the shuffling footsteps of someone in bedroom slippers.

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    Neither in the train to Kirkuk ни в поезде до Киркука , nor in the Rest House at Mosul ни в гостинице: «доме для отдыха» в Мосуле; rest — покой, отдых, сон; house — дом, здание; гостиница, постоялый двор , nor last night on the train ни предыдущей ночью в поезде; last — последний; прошлый had she slept properly она почти не спала как следует; to sleep slept ; properly — должным образом; разг. Hubbard was loudest in her lamentations. What can you expect что же ожидать-то? Harris некий мистер Харрис. By the time the Jugo-Slavian police arrive, how simple if we can present them with the solution! I know your powers. She gave a slight gracious nod of the head and rose. Poirot shook his head Пуаро покачал головой; to shake shook, shaken — трясти; качать.

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  • Report content on this page. He awoke some hours later, awoke with a start. Hercule Poirot lay awake Эркюль Пуаро не спал: «лежал без сна»; to lie lay, lain ; awake — бодрствующий, проснувшийся staring at the ceiling уставившись в потолок; to stare — пристально смотреть, уставиться. Only the eyes belied this assumption. Conversations on the platform, before the departure of a train разговоры на перроне перед отбытем поезда; platform — платформа, помост; ж. Yes, it does. They are now repairing the damage сейчас они ремонтируют повреждения; damage — вред, поломка; повреждение. Ровные Шопы pinned a photo. Where was the man? Her sable coat was pushed back on her shoulders.

    Наркотик амфетамин (amfetamin, амф, 'анфитомин', Фенамин) – что это такое? Амфетамин был получен путем сложного синтеза еще в 19 веке. Он.

    He would ring for the conductor он позвонит проводнику; to ring — звенеть; звучать; звонить and ask for some mineral water и попросит минеральной воды. In truth, this problem intrigues me. I remember once being snowed up for seven days. For one thing he missed the motion of the train. When they are enraged когда они в ярости; rage — ярость, гнев, бешенство; to enrage — приводить в ярость, в бешенство they have great strength они обладают огромной силой. All the world elects to travel to-night! For three days these people, these strangers to one another, are brought together. They spoke little to each other они мало разговаривали друг с другом; to speak spoke, spoken — говорить. All is for the best, whatever happen. Английский язык с Агатой Кристи Agatha Christie. Alongside the platform at Aleppo stood the train grandly designated in railway guides as the Taurus Express. And remember — big money и помните — за большие деньги. Bouc spoke мсье Бук говорил with a kind of calm desperation с неким спокойным отчаянием; a kind of — почти, как бы; что-то вроде; calm — спокойный, тихий, невозмутимый; desperate — отчаянный, безрассудный; desperation — безрассудство, отчаяние. Appearances are important. Master, indeed!

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  • Poirot leaned out and spoke to the Wagon Lit conductor who was hurrying past. This time he slept till morning на этот раз он проспал до утра; to sleep slept. They are now repairing the damage. He looked hot and worried он выглядел разгоряченным и обеспокоенным; to look — смотреть; иметь вид, выглядеть; hot — горячий; возбужденный, напряженный; to worry — надоедать; беспокоиться, волноваться. For three days these people, these strangers to one another, are brought together. Footsteps passed up the corridor outside, the shuffling footsteps of someone in bedroom slippers. Let us advance with the matter in hand. But not only that, the circumstances are unusual. Do that сделайте это. First-class or second? He was separated from his travelling companions on the boat and did not see them again. You agree? Yours is the upper berth, the No.

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    Bouc spoke with a kind of calm desperation. He continued grimly. He offered me the job and I took it. Then, half an hour ago тогда, где-то с полчаса назад , the restaurant car attendant came пришел официант из вагонаресторана. A very small and expensive black toque was hideously unbecoming to the yellow, toad-like face beneath it. She had a beautiful Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www. The trains are almost empty.

    Bouc laughed. I know one far, far stronger than I am. In the corner next the window, facing him, was a small dark man looking out at the snow. Constantine — I forgot, I have not introduced you. There were three waiting for him and a telegram. I see. And how, I ask и как, спрашиваю я , did he get out он вышел and leave the door bolted behind him и оставил за собой запертую дверь; to bolt — запирать на засов? Hercule Poirot. Do that. Наркотики зло!]

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  • He turned to the chef de train он обратился к начальнику поезда; to turn — поворачивать; to turn to smb. Her manner was slightly repressive. There is already a German woman in the compartment Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www. But to his right, some distance down the corridor, a woman wrapped in a scarlet kimono was retreating from him. He gave an order for eggs and coffee. Вообще паражняк, не советую.